During Summer New Student Registration you will visit campus for a University welcome, a College of LAS information session, and a small group Biology information meeting, where you will learn specific information about the different biology majors. After your Biology group meeting, you will be given an appointment time to meet one-on-one with an academic advisor where you will discuss what you have done in high school, what your long-term goals are, and what you should take in your first semester on campus. Finally, you will be matched with a peer advisor to register for your fall courses in our computer lab. Please plan to be on campus until 5:00pm. Should you or your family require any accommodations to participate in this event, please call us at one of the numbers below.
As a Biology student, it is imperative that you take the Chemistry, IMR Biology, and Math (ALEKS) placement exams at least 1 week prior to your registration date. If you chose not to submit SAT or ACT scores, you will also need to take the Rhetoric Placement Questionnaire. Your advisor will use results of your placement exams to suggest appropriate courses for you in your first semester at UIUC. If you need, or plan, to take any language courses other than English at UIUC, you should take those online placement tests as well. All placement tests are available via the Admitted Student Checklist through the myillini portal. They will not show on your transcript or count in your GPA.
Should you have questions regarding which placement tests to take, please call us at (217) 333-6774 or (217) 333-3046. We look forward to working with you on creating your perfect schedule!
Parents and guests of incoming students are encouraged to read through this information handout for specifics on the registration process and answers to some frequently asked questions. If you have additional questions after reading, please email parentroom@illinois.edu and someone will respond to your questions. Si necesita hablar en español, déjenos saber y podemos proveer a alguien que puede asistir.